
As a BSDW my roles include:

* Administer the Income assistance program, including PWD and PPMB clients

*Manage the Youth Center

*Manage the homemaker program

*Family violence program

I was trained through Indigenous Service Canada (ISC) to offer these services in my community of T’it’q’et.

The Income assistance program offers Basic needs, Shelter needs and Special needs, for those in need including rates for people with disability (PWD) and persons with persistent multiple barriers (PPMB).

I handle budgets and caseload/case management. I report to ISC. I do Intake, Consents, Eligibility and Referral. The goal is to support people in their independence. 

Some clients need more support than others, I do referrals for counselling services, addiction services and work with BCANDS for PWD clients and Jordan’s Principle for youth. 

As a Youth Center manager my duties include:

*Budgeting for the center and employees

*Handle operation of Youth Center

*Oversee activities and implement traditional values and activities

*Mentor youth and employees

*Support youth with safety, health and hygiene

As a homemaker manager my duties include:

Collaborate with elders and Registered Nurse to identify elders needs in the home and support the daily activities and cleaning/meal duties. 

Match the elder with a worker to support the elder in being able to stay home and budget and manage workers hours and budget and manage the overall program and progression.

As a family violence program coordinator my duties include:

Once a year I invite families on a camping trip to strengthen communications within family units. We do activities together and accomplish tasks together and explore ways to enhance communication skills with the help of a family counselor. We offer a traditional medicinal walk and make tea from the medicines we find to promote land based traditional healing and survival skills. All family members take information and activities home to continue working on strengthening their skills. 

As a Career Development Practitioner my duties include:

*identify career and or education goals


*identify skills and or barriers toward employment

*provide training opportunities and or work/safety equipment 

*basic life skills and budgeting

*provide tools, resources and avenues for clients to explore their own opportunities

*provide work experience


*case manage employment profile

*mentor client

*explore employment opportunities for PWD & PPMB clients

*coach clients to transition into meaningful employment that fits their needs.

As a Commissioner for taking Affidavits my duty includes:

Oath taking and verifying identity of individual. This is a voluntary service I offer for free within the T’it’q’et community. 

As a Pollinator Ambassador my duties include:

I am on the board for Pollinator Partnership Canada and the lead for T’it’q’et Bee City, the first indigenous Bee City in Canada. This is also a purely volunteer service I provide. I educate people of all ages and around the world, of the importance of pollinators. I plant and grow pollinator gardens throughout the community and merge indigenous values with the importance of pollinators. I head the Pollinator Protection Patrol which is a program for youth committed to protecting pollinators and educating the youth on ways to support pollinators and why they are so important. I present to preschool, youth, communitywide, and online. 

As the Child and Family Representative for T’it’q’et my duties include:

Collaborate with the Ministry of Child and Family Services (MCFD) on cases within the T’it’q’et community.

Support families who may be struggling and advocate for the children and for family preservation including traditional values.

Identify supports and or interventions for family 

Collaborate with provincial and federal government in child and family cases relating to T’it’q’et 

Support children and families with special needs

Support children and families in dealing with school

I provide supervised visits when needed and/or respite care

In beginning stages of taking over the mandate for T’it’q’et child and family services.

Sent proposal for family connection center to be located within T’it’q’et 

As the block/speed watch coordinator my duties include:

Promoting block watch activities and collaborate with block watch coordinators in ways to keep our community safe. Collaborate with other block watch communities and municipalities in keeping communities safe. Ensure each house has emergency contact information.

I was trained for speed watch by the Kamloops RCMP. I have a speed sign that takes pictures and sends them to my email and helps to create awareness of local speed limits. I move the speed sign around the community to prevent speeding within our community. I also have a speed gun and train volunteers on how to set up for this intervention and how to use and record information. 

Block/Speed watch are both entirely a volunteer service. 

As an events coordinator my duties include:

Coordinate special events and handle budget

Provide workers, meals, volunteers, activities, location and promotion.

I coordinate many large events within the T’it’q’et community with everything from family day to Christmas.

Funerals/Wills/Last Wishes

As the administering authority for T’it’q’et I assist members with making wills and identifying, recording and authenticating their last wishes. 

I collaborate with funeral homes to cover the cost of basic funeral costs and alleviate the stress on families. 

Provide information and assistance on funeral protocol and process for T’it’q’et

As a Palliative care Assistant my duties include:

Supporting the family 

Provide palliative information, process and expectations

Collaborate with medical team and funeral home

Assist families in paperwork related to palliative care

Prepare homes for palliative patient care

Trained by RN to administer and record palliative medication when needed

I wear many hats within my community and offer support to members of all ages and in many circumstances. I am very hands on and am passionate about the well being of those around me.