Peanut/Scent Free Buildings

Director of Programs: Sarah Moberg (250-256-0033)

Language and Culture Teachers: Aggie Patrick & Mike Alexander

Emails: – Daycare staff

Titqetpreschool2021@gmail.comPreschool staff



42 Retasket Drive

Phone: 250-256-4831
Fees Apply (See manager)
Subsidy Available
Must be 4 by December 31

Times: Monday-Thursday 10:00am-1:00pm
Snack provided must bring own lunch

Staff: Corena Tom (E.C.E)


44 Retasket Drive

Phone: 250-256-0033

Fees Apply (See manager)
Subsidy Available
30 months to 6 years (end of kindergarten)
Must be potty trained

Times: Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm
2 healthy snacks provided
Must bring own lunch

Staff: Caroline Peters (E.C.E)
Tracy Redan (E.C.E.A)

Parent & Tot Program

Preschool Building
42 Retasket Drive
Parent Participation Program

Times: Monday-Wednesday

Snack provided

Staff: Amanda Haughton &
Corena Tom

3 Year Old Preschool Program

Free Program
Must be potty trained

Times: Monday-Thursday 10:00am-1:00pm

2 healthy snacks provided
Must bring own lunch

Staff: Caroline & Sherri
