Social Development provides temporary financial assistance to meet the basic needs of individuals or families with the purpose for greater opportunities of self-sufficiency






British Columbia Aboriginal Network on Disability Society

  • BCANDS, is an award winning, provincial, Indigenous not for profit, charitable Society serving the unique and diverse disability and health resource / support service needs of the Indigenous population of British Columbia. BCANDS is a “stand alone” organization and the only organization of its type in Canada. Incorporated in 1991, BCANDS celebrated its 25th year of successfully delivering Indigenous disability and health programs and services across British Columbia in 2016.

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada

  • Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) funds four social programs. It aims to assist First Nation individuals and communities to become more self-sufficient; protect individuals and families at risk of violence; provide prevention supports that allow individuals and families to better care for their children; and support greater participation in the labour market.